Trump’s Removal from office
February 9, 2021
The new year has kicked off with a very eventful start. This being that many representatives have joined together to invoke article 2, section 4, against former President, Donald J. Trump. This is now the second time that the government has tried to kick President Trump out of office. They have failed the first time but are not stopping this time in getting what they want. The reason behind this mess simply comes with that Trump doesn’t want to accept the fact that he has lost the election.

President Trump lost to former Vice President and presiding President Joe Biden in the 2020 Presidential election. It was a hard but very tough battle between the Democrat and the Republican parties. The main reason behind the attempt of removing President Trump was because of the chaos that had happened in the capital. An army of trump supporters barged through the doors of the Capitol. They were protesting to try to stop the electoral vote. They all thought that the 2021 election was rigged somehow. The leader of all of this chaos was President Donald Trump. He ordered how many investigations to look into the mysterious votes that were turning up here and there during the election. At the end of the day, he did not want to accept defeat. He stuck by his word that it was rigged and still stands by his word till this day.

I strongly believe that this event could have been avoided. It is sad to know that the capital is not even safe from protesters. You would think that it is the most heavily guarded building in America but that is now proven false. We are living in history that can show the next generation how crucial it is to vote. I believe that we should start paying close attention to the news not only national but international. If we do we will help better educate ourselves in events that happen all around the world.
Seattle Times staff & news services. (2021, January 08). Election news updates, January 7: Top Democrats call for Trump’s removal; he promises ‘orderly transition’. Retrieved January 29, 2021, from