The New Homeroom Structure
August 29, 2017
Homeroom has been constantly evolving throughout the years. Before homeroom used to be at the beginning of school and now it has been changed to the middle of the day. To allow the lower and middle school to have lunch while the high school has a study hall and vice versa. In the new school year, the administration has chosen to alter how homeroom is structured. Each day is designated to a specific activity that the class must partake in. Monday is used for Naviance, Tuesday is used for study hall, Wednesday is used for clubs and any meetings in relation to clubs, Thursday is used for reading, and Friday is used to pay it forward and help others in your community.
I questioned Mr. Yamaguchi a senior division advisory about the new homeroom system. He said “So far there hasn’t been any problems with the new homeroom system.” He also mentioned that the school year has just started and that he wants to have an open mind about the new system. I also asked if he thinks that the new homeroom system would have a positive impact on his homeroom and he said, “I can see the benefits of the new homeroom system for our students. It can help them organize their HEEDS hours for graduation and also help them grow as Saint Louis gentlemen by paying it forward.”
I also spoke with Daunte Mangiarelli of the senior division that has been at Saint Louis since sixth grade because he has experienced all the changes of how homeroom is structured. I asked him how has the new homeroom system affected you? He replied “The new homeroom system hasn’t had a very big impact on me. I liked it better when we had extended lunches and homeroom was at the start of the day.” A lot of seniors find it hard to adapt to these new changes because it is there last year and they are not ready to accept the new changes. I also asked how would he change the system if he could? He said, “I would make no mandatory assignments and make lunch longer so we have more time to eat.”
My final conversation was with Mr. Almodova, the senior division advisor. I asked about his thoughts on the new homeroom system. He said, “Changes are good but it will take some time for people to accept the changes. “The reason that this change was made because students were not in order. Students would go off to the cafe to eat during advisory or not even show up to the advisory that they were assigned to. He also agreed that the senior division was going to have the hardest time adapting to the new change. I asked him how would he change the system if he could? He said, “It should stay the same but the advisors should be flexible knowing that students have work to do.” My last question I asked did you believe that this change has affected your homeroom in a positive or negative way. He said that because we are senior and having a difficult time to adapt one of the students in his homeroom has protested and has started a petition and wanted to keep homeroom how it was before the new changes. But that student has then rethought his decision and now has adjusted to the new style of Mr. Almodova’s homeroom.