A Tradition Continues at SLS with Baseball Signing Day


Davion Fitchett-Grance, Features Editor

A Saint Louis School tradition continues at Kalaepohaku! This year, our Baseball players are moving on to the college level with the annual Baseball Signing Day! A few talented senior baseball players have signed their “Letter of Intent” to play at the various colleges and universities.

Among those players who recently accepted scholarships include Nu’u Contrades (Arizona State University), Kahiau Schenk (University of Hawai’i), Cody Antone (William Jessup University), Makamae DuPont (Concordia University Irvine), and Aiva Arquette (University of Washington)

When a player commits to playing sports at the college level, they not only enjoy it, but also understand the time and commitment it requires. DuPont adds, “I enjoy playing with my team, and playing with my Saint Louis brothers, achieving goals and playing for my family and winning,” shares DuPont.  There are many schools to choose from and one gets chosen. Dupont adds,“ I chose Concordia Irvine because the coach really welcomed me with open arms and gave me a good scholarship. I didn’t want my parents to pay that much for college, and they have good academics as well, and it’s a really nice area.” Along with a substantial time commitment, an athlete must also enjoy the sport. “ I enjoy competing and I fell in love with it,” explains Arquette. “This summer I got to compete with the top players in the nation and got to do it with my Saint Louis brothers. I love winning and hate losing. 

With so many colleges and universities to choose from, many things are considered when making a final decision. “I chose [UW] because the coaching staff believed in me (and) the campus is beautiful,” says Arquette. “It can get cold, but it’s nice. It just checked all the boxes for me.” These players have achieved their objective of playing at the next level, but also have big dreams after college. “I hope to play professional baseball,” shares Arquette, “and be in the major leagues, I feel I have a good chance at it.” Dupont is also looking toward the future. “I want to try to get drafted; if not, I want a career in business.”


All the hard work these players have put into their love of baseball is leading them on a successful journey. They are great examples of  the possibilities for aspiring scholar-athletes. Don’t be surprised if you see them in the big leagues one day!