Featured Teacher-October 2017

Barrett Smith, Feature Writer

The featured teacher for October 2017 is Mr. Ethan Oki. He is a second year teacher in the History Department who teaches Social Science to grades 9 and 11. Before teaching here at Saint Louis, Mr. Oki represented  his district while serving  on the Honolulu city board  for four years. Prior to that, he served in the US military.  

    Mr. Oki is a proud Alumnus from the slopes of Kalaōphaku. What Mr. Oki appreciates about Saint Louis is, “the amount of love shown in the brotherhood, the bond, and the tradition of young men coming together to learn.” According to his Edline profile, he states, “being a graduate of SLS, I always had a dream to return and teach here at SLS. Recently leaving my career in the Hawaii political world, I believe civic engagement and community service should be encouraged at a younger age to provide a good platform for life and any career path.” Mr. Oki is the head of the SLS political Society, as well as a congressional debate coach for Saint Louis.

    In Mr. Oki’s spare time, he enjoys spending quality time with his family and his newborn son Emmett. Mr. Oki also enjoys Hawaiian Culture including teaching a class of freshmen Hawaiian studies as well as being fluent in the Hawaiian Language. If Mr. Oki could send a message to all Saint Louis students he would say “Saint Louis men should achieve the following message of Memor Et Fidelis (mindful and faithful).” He hopes to have a long career with Saint Louis in the future, and give back to the Saint Louis ohana.