Destinty 2 Game Review

January 9, 2018
Destiny 2 is a sequel to Destiny which released in 2015 and had many fans, but also many critics complaining about the lack of story and limited end game content. Destiny 2 attempts to fix the problems and make the game last longer. They are mostly successful and the game has a lot of endgame content. There is both PvE (Player versus Environment) and PvP (Player versus Player) modes, with pve being the one easier to collect loot. There are also public events that randomly spawn in the environment that require cooperation to complete.
The main point of the game is to collect loot, and as previously mentioned PvE is easier to do that in. Thankfully there are many ways to get the loot through PvE, things like strikes (3 player teams) and raids (6 players). These are much harder than the public events (which also drop loot), but give much better loot as a result. Many complaints about the game lie in how there’s nothing to really do after completing the raid. You can do the nightfall which changes every week, but is pretty quick and not as rewarding. Once you max out your light level (in game leveling system to indicate power) there really isn’t much to do outside of PvP. The PvP is fun, but lacks depth which makes it unsuitable as one of the only endgame things to do. New raids come out a couple times a year, but are paid dlc which kind of sucks. Overall, there is still a lot to offer since it takes over 80 hours to run out of new things to do. I’d highly recommend the game if you like MMO’s.