The eSports Team of Saint Louis
March 1, 2018
A new club has emerged at Saint Louis named Saint Louis Crusader eSports. The president of the club is Adrian Bates-Domingo. Adrian has been pushing for this club since the beginning of his junior year talking with administration. Adrian has been working with Mr. Takashima daily, pushing for the club to be approved. As of right now, the Saint LoEspn 1420
uis Crusader eSport team is competing in tournaments with other eSports teams from Damien, Maryknoll, and Farrington. The Saint Louis Crusader eSports team currently have two teams who are competing in the League of Legends Tournaments. League of Legendsis a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game that is held in a five versus five setting with each player playing a specific role for the team. The players on the Blue team are Aaron (Soupity Soup)Yeh, Jonas (Shrumia) Snell, Steven (Kudoboy17) Vo, and Alika (Odlaw) Meyer. The players of the Red team are Cody Noh, Bang Pham, Dylan Yang, Felix Cho, Windford Chye. Currently, Crusader eSports only competes in League of Legends however they are looking to expand and compete in other games such as Super Smash Bros, Overwatch, and Counter Strike Global Offensive.
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The coordinator crew from Saint Louis, Damien, and Marknoll