Monster Hunter World Review

Dimitri Lilly, Op-Ed Editor

Monster Hunter World, an MMO-RPG, was released on January 26, 2018, for PS4 and Xbox One with a PC release coming later. It is the latest installment of the Monster Hunter series by developer Capcom. The player takes the role of a Hunter with the task to hunt down and either kill or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces.The game’s story provides many hours of gameplay because of the grind that comes along with them. There is also a plethora of side missions that players can participate in for extra rewards and loot that can be used to craft better weapons and equipment. After the player completes the story the game still has many hours of endgame quests for the player to grind through. These quests offer a much higher difficulty and appeal to the longtime fans of the series.

My experience with this installment in the series has been overall very positive. There are very few problems with the game that I have personally encountered. The few criticisms I have of the game come with the character animations and some of the hitbox designs on the monsters. The character animations while doing certain actions can look very rigid at times along with the facial animations looking very forced. My other criticism with the hitboxes comes from certain monsters still being able to hit you while you are not visibly close enough to them. Outside of that the rest of the game makes up for these problems. The game features combat that feels rewarding, a gear system that makes each new upgrade you get feel meaningful, and great longevity. Overall I’d give this game a 9/10.