Impeachment efforts against President Trump

February 4, 2019
Donald J Trump took over Obama’s presidency in 2017 while efforts to impeach him began long before. Trump has done many questionable acts that no one in his position should have done, leading to the many anti-Trump movements we see today. Groups such as Stop Trump, Dump Trump, Never Trump, anti-Trump movements were the beginning efforts of 2017, initiated by Democrats and liberals who dislike the thought of Donald Trump as America’s leader.
As the President of the United States, you must communicate to other nations to form healthy relationships of trust; Mr. Trump’s tendency to fail in this category of work has shown to embarrass citizens of the US. As an example, in January of 2017, Trump was scheduled to have a meeting with Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto but was soon canceled as a result of a breakdown of communication and controversial tweets made by Trump. Donald Trump claimed that Mexico would fund his border project but as proven to be entirely fiction.
Towards the end of 2017 polls showed that roughly 40 percent of Americans wanted Trump impeached.
Continuing to the events of 2018, Trump continues to cause problematic issues; arguing for the construction of his wall has triggered the complete shutdown of the federal government forcing many citizens to struggle. As the United States strides through 2019 with Trump as our president, we will remain ever so prone to his impeachment or success.