More Microwaves!


Geriq Dagdagan, Reporter

Just recently, the school has added an ample amount of new microwaves across the school campus.  There are multiple stands around the campus, each carrying at least two microwaves per stand.  The old microwave at the snack shop has been replaced with two new microwaves.  The cafeteria has also added an extra microwave located on the condiments and water table.  There are also two stands on the second level of Bertram Hall.  One located in front of Mr. Oki’s classroom and the other located in front of Mrs. Soward’s.  They’re accessible during snack and lunch break hours.

With the new edition of the microwaves, it isn’t a hassle to heat up your food anymore.  It was a good decision to implement more microwaves due to the vast majority of the school bringing food from home.  I believe this investment benefited the school because it saved time for a lot for students warming up their food.  I interviewed a couple of students around campus, asking about their thoughts on the new microwaves.  Barrett Smith responded, “I believe this is a great edition to the school because it will end the long microwave lines at the cafe.  I can heat up my food quicker due to the large amount of microwaves located across the school.”  Many others had similar responses, everyone coming to an agreement that the amount of microwaves added was a good choice.  I had many responses telling me that now students don’t need to wait as long to heat up their food.  Aaron Yeh stated, “With the new microwaves it will fix the long lines at the snack shop and lunch lines.”  Multiple responses are glad that there are more microwaves across campus.  I have come to a conclusion that a vast majority of students can agree and accept that the new microwaves were a good edition to the school.