Clubs on Campus
Saint Louis has a multitude of diverse and engaging extra curricular activities in which students take part outside of athletics. Each club has something unique and interesting to offer as well as a chance to showcase our many talents inside and outside of the classroom.
Multiple competitions. The opportunity to compete on the Big Island. Debate is not just about talking, other parts like using your body are used to really add meaning in your speech. Joining the Debate Team improves your analytical thinking and creates creativity. You can join the Debate Team now by coming to BH 26.
Japanese Wizards
For the Japanese Wizards they will be doing things like learning all about Japan like the history, politics, culture, language, and even the sports. During competitions there will be three people per team “like jeopardy.” Winning this competition will get you and the team an all expense paid trip to Japan. Joining the Wizards helps with your transcript for college and fun experiences. You join by visiting Ms.Tanaka in room BH6.
Japanese Club
The Japanese Club does fun cultural things related to Japan. They held around with things like helping with the Matsuri and even with the JCC on new years. They also do things with Japanese people who want to share or do activities with people both on Hawaii and Japan. They sell bento’s at the courtyard bash to help fund trips to Japan which they would go to help clean memorials or comfort the people who are still traumatized by the tsunami. You join by visiting Ms.Tanaka during the Club fair or room BH6.
Political Society
In Political Society they participate in congressional debates. There will be competitions and even the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. in 2018. There will be a lot of training to get ready for competitions. Joining will help work on your communication skills, and also expose you to political competitions so you can hear others political views. To join show up to Bertram Hall 22.
In the Art Club, the students can do whatever they or the club want to do. There is a lot of flexibility as it really comes down to what you want to do. It can be publicly displayed or just made for home. There are chances of competitions that would be participated in. Signing up for the Art Club helps to boost your creativity and skill as an artist by doing things you normally wouldn’t do at home. To sign up, there will be a booth on the club sign up day.
There are many activities that the International club participates in. For example helping things like greek, hispanic, chinese, festivals teaches about each culture. They also participate in non-international events like the Ronald McDonald. Students take turns presenting individual cultures. Joining the International Club helps to widen your knowledge of many diverse cultures. Taking part in various events earns community service hours and being on the board helps strengthen leadership skills. You join by visiting Ms. Abrew during the Club fair or room BH37.
The Math Team basically just does math, but it’s a lot more than that. There are meets every Tuesday and Thursday after school to prepare for competitions. There are competitions once a month and practice all year long. Joining the Math Team helps to improve math skills for future math classes, standardised tests like the SAT and ACT, unforgettable experiences, and scholarships. It can also help you as it teaches about leadership and problem solving. You join by visiting Ms. Abrew during the Club fair or room BH37.
In Robotics they build robots to play games and competitions. There are many team bonding activities, fundraisers, and also opportunities to travel to neighboring islands and even the mainland. Last year the Robotics Team got to the world championship game which was held in Texas. There are meets at 2:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. There are two teams for both middle and highschool students. There will be many traveling opportunities and looks very good on your transcript. There will be hands on experiences of electrical, mechanical, and computer engineering by joining Robotics. You can join Robotics by visiting Mr. Takashima in the STEM room or applying during the club fair.
Leo Club
In Leo Club there are opportunities to get community service. The Leo Club is affiliated with the Lion Club Association and is partnered with Leo Clubs from schools like Sacred Hearts, La Pietra, Kalani, and Kamehameha. There is a club for both the Middle and High school. Meetings will be announced on the intercom. To join Leo club visit Mr. Christian in room BH34.
Key Club
In Key Club there are many community service opportunities, ranging from volunteering at the Honolulu Marathon, to re-painting the YMCA. There are opportunities to socialize, and work together with students from other schools. There is a $10 application fee, and you have to come to the meetings in order to become a member. Key club is high school only. To join please see Ms. Jackson in room NH54

I am currently a Senior attending Saint Louis School. I first came to Saint Louis as a freshman. I enjoy playing video games.