Noborikawa continues to enhance Crusader Band Program

Band students also participate in the Crusader March Band.

Matthew Grant, Staff Writer

Over the past three years, Curtis Noborikawa has been leading the Saint Louis band program as its Director. Steadily leading and picking up where his predecessor, Mr. Hoggin, left off and the band program continues to develop each year.    Noborikawa introduced some changes within the program and the band size continues to grow.

Noborikawa now sees students he once taught as middle schoolers, graduate this year. “Mr. Noborikawa is a very good teacher.  [I] started off knowing next to nothing,” says senior Titan Miller Miller, who has been a part of the band program since he was a middle schooler. 

The Crusader Band Program offers three levels of band offers to both middle and high school students, from beginning band where students learn the basics, focusing on instrument selection while learning to play musical pieces.  Intermediate level band, the second level, the pace begins to pick up, where the students learn more challenging pieces. 

The high school Honors Band is the third and final level. Students may audition or complete at least three years in band, or with some exceptions, be moved straight up from the beginning band.  “The biggest challenges were playing the music, since I skipped intermediate band and didn’t have any precursor knowledge of how to play,” says junior Chase Alcantra.  Students without any prior experience are able to participate.

Saint Louis and Sacred Hearts band students collaborated in this year’s “Aloha Concert” at Mamiya Theatre.

The Honors Band performs concerts throughout the school year and also serves as the Crusader Pep and Marching Band for the school’s athletic and community events.  This year, the Saint Louis Honors Band featured a variety of musical pieces in its concerts, including the Star Wars Saga, Captain America March and the Disneyland Celebration, which are more challenging musical pieces. 

As Noborikawa witnesses the students from his first band classes graduate, he’s enjoyed watching them grow and develop in their own way. “It’s always affirming to see where they start from, and where they end up being by the time they leave the band program.”