Private Schools Vs. Public Schools


Zach Jobe, Op-Ed Writer

Which kind of school do you prefer: Public or Private?

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Public VS. Private Schools
Do public and private K-12 schools really have any differences? Is one actually better than the other? Every year parents may ask these questions when deciding what type of school to send their child to. People have their opinions on which is better whether it’s because of money, safety or quality of teachers. However, most of it comes down to the experience of the parent during their time in school in my opinion. For example, those who attended a private school may have enjoyed the civic values that the schools equipped them with. On the other hand, Someone who attended a public school may have enjoyed the quality of the teachers because public schools assure a minimum level of teaching quality. However, the school is not the only thing that causes children to enjoy school more or a certain school. It also has to do with the parents’ influence on the child. As stated by Dean of Curry School of Education,”Most of the ‘effects’ of private education are attributable to families’ influences on children as they grow up.”
As a student who has attended both public and private schools, I can confidently say that private schools are better. They give the student the right tools to build their character and give back to the community not only with their educational abilities but with their morals. Private schools teach their students to be the best they can be in all aspects, whereas with public schools a majority of the focus is on getting the student educationally prepared for the future. Which for some people education may be the major focus and thus no need for private schools. This typically is seen if parents have done well with public schools so they do not see the need for an excess expense, again relating back to the fact that which schools are better comes from the parents’ experience. Both schools will equip the student with the right education for an adequate future but wouldn’t a parent want their child to be adequate in character as well?

LaPonsie, Maryalene. “Are Private Schools Really Better Than Public? | Page 2.” Money Talks News, 20 Jan. 2015,