The Movement Of Campus Ministry

Tamarick "Maika" Hallums

Campus Ministry moved to its new location after years of being on the first floor of Bertram Hall. The welcoming student “hangout” has found its new classroom at the old Crusader book store next to the snack shop. With the additional enrollment of 50 new students to the school this year, the need to convert the old Campus Ministry room into classrooms was essential to accommodating the amount of students that would be attending Saint Louis School this year.

The movement of Campus Ministry was made for much more than classroom space and the rapid growth of the school. Since the recent transition of Saint Louis into being a K-12 school, the need for making the Campus Ministry more Centralized to the high school, middle school, and elementary had to be done. The president of the St. Louis schools, Dr Glenn Medeiros Said “ The Campus Ministry is the heart of who we are, and we want everyone to have access to it, so we were looking for places more centralized to the school so everyone can enjoy it.” Father Allen, one of the two Marianist brothers at Saint Louis, oversees the Campus Ministry activities. He strongly agrees with the idea and of making the Campus Ministry more centralized for the school. Father Allen said “the new room is in a place where none of the high school, middle school, or elementary classes resides, it’s more centralized and it serves them all”.

The Campus Ministry is the heart of who we are, and we want everyone to have access to it…

— Father Allen

The new room that will be housing the Campus Ministry provides an abundant amount of opportunity for growth as a whole. Another benefit of using this room is that it is much larger than the old classroom, there is a lot more room for the students to enjoy themselves and to be more comfortable, and it also helps the students with their meetings and gatherings. The progress into the outreach of the new Campus Ministry room is coming together very quickly, as Father Allen and Father Patrick are looking to increase the lounge area for the students to have more comfort. Also, due to the size of the room, Father Allen is thinking of the possibility to conduct small masses throughout the school year.