The Power of 4th Quarter


Zach Jobe, Op-Ed


Seniors across the United States struggle to keep their grade point average equal to what they were able to maintain in previous years. This is known to many students as “senioritis,” the disease taking over the ability to finish off the last year of high school strong. What causes seniors to become so lazy and not care the same about their grades towards the end of the school year? I believe senioritis is rooted in the fact that most colleges say that they must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or C- to allow themselves to still attend the college of their choice. This brings me to believe that the fourth quarter does not affect anyone’s ability to get accepted into college. 

If a student is able to keep their overall grade point average at a 3.0 or higher they have a relatively good chance at getting into a college. The fourth quarter will only play a small role in the overall grade point average so if the student has a high-grade point average the first three quarters than it will level out a bad grade in the last quarter. For example, “If you’re a B student and you have a C or two C’s, the same thing goes for when students get B’s” Taylor says. As long as the student will have a good reason for the drop and the drop not be more than two letter grades depending on the college there will be no issues. It also matters which classes that the person has their grade drop in. If the class is a mandatory class such as math, English, science or history than the student may get denied to a school because those classes are essential to doing well in school. Overall the fourth quarter does not play a large role in college acceptance because it is a small portion of the pie. As long as the student keeps a good overall GPA they will surely be accepted into a college.




Kane, Jessica. “How To Avoid Having YourCollege Acceptance Rescinded.” The Huffington Post,, 20 Jan. 2015,