California and Oregon Wildfires are burning their States
In September, California and Oregon have been going through serious wildfires taking a hefty toll on residents. Not only have the fires been dangerous for these states, but it has also been dangerous for the environment. It is not surprising to have wildfires in California, but these wildfires have caught the eyes of many people all over the world. These have caught the eye of many people because of how they were started and the amount of damage it caused to the environment.
The wildfires have been occurring through the majority of September and have been so devastating that they have scorched numerous towns in both Oregon and California. The fires have also left residents in a thick blanket of smoke all around. The smoke has done a lot especially with it spreading across the world. It has polluted the air heavily. Scientists have concluded that these fires have been the worst in over 18 years. The smoke from these fires has crossed the US and Atlantic oceans and reached these places by jet streams that also carried it to the skies of Europe.
The cause of these fires has been said by scientists to be the horrible change in climate change President Trump stated otherwise, placing the blame for these fires on poor management of these areas. The cause of the fire in Oregon has come down to arson. They have arrested a man for being suspected to be light and creating these fires.
In conclusion, I believe that these wildfires should be getting more attention especially with the ongoing problem of climate change. If we don’t find ways to help our environment, especially with the continued effects of climate change; there will be more negative effects on the earth. It doesn’t take much to step up and make a change. By doing the small things in the world it makes it much easier for us to take care of our environment. We must also educate ourselves on what’s going on in the world. The more we know, the more we understand, and the better we can help the world out.

I am currently a senior at Saint Louis School. I play football and baseball and enjoy the time that I am able to spend with my family. I believe family...